
MSG-4 at 0°; imagery of full Earth disc and data for weather forecasts, every 15 minutes

Launched in:2015
Repeat cycle:0.01 days
Orbit height:36000 km
Orbit type:Geostationary
Organisation: EUMETSAT
Launched 15 July 2015;
Active at 0° position since 20 Feb 2018

Meteosat-11 websites


Eumetsat - Meteosat series
ESA - MSG overview
DLR - World Data Center Atmosphere
ESA Earth Online - Meteosat Second Generation
Eumetsat - MSG Calibration
Eumetsat - How to access our data

Data ordering

EUMETSAT - Data Center info
EUMETSAT EO Portal - Data Center access

On Board Sensors

GERB (Geostationary Earth Radiation Budget)
SEVIRI (Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infrared Imager)